
Survival of Non-standard Automation Enterprises

Generally speaking, most small and medium-sized non-standard automation machinery enterprises are facing three challenges: capital, talent and market. To deal with this balance, non-standard automation, possible life, and possible market opportunities. So

Generally speaking, most small and medium-sized non-standard automation machinery enterprises are facing three challenges: capital, talent and market. To deal with this balance, non-standard automation, possible life, and possible market opportunities. So you must calm down, hard skills, and always adhere to the credibility first, customer first, quality first business strategy for each customer service. Provide customers with comprehensive solutions from solution, processing, assembly and debugging. From product concepts to solutions, modeling and drawing, processing, assembly and debugging provide customers with a complete set of solutions.

Because the high-tech threshold is relative to some industries, it is not easy to do this, including design, production, installation, commissioning and after-sales service, and many other links, enterprise team building is particularly important. Because of its small scale, the problem of how to overcome the difficulties is still unclear.

It's hard to get a chance. Facing the good market prospects and development space, it is also a special attraction line, through the early survival of the company, will usher in the rapid development of the industry.

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